


时间: 40分钟 满分: 100分



第一部分 听力(30分)一、听录音, 选出你听到的单词。(5分)()1. A. singB. walkC. jump()2. A. second  B. stand  C. stop()3. A. sleeping  B. sitting  C. singing()4. A. night  B. light  C. right()5. A. tomorrow  B. yesterday  C. now二、听录音, 给图片排序。(5分)

三、听录音, 判断下列句子与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)()1. The girl is watering the trees. ()2. I called my friend last night. ()3. The Palace Museum is about 600 years old. ()4. We can write our names on the Great Wall. ()5. I was in the park yesterday. 四、听录音, 选择正确的答案。(10分)()1. I went on a trip last________. A. week  B. month  C. summer()2. It was my first trip on a________. A. ship  B. train  C. plane()3. I saw many houses, ________ and trees from the window. A. parks  B. farms  C. hotels()4. I watched a________ on the plane. A. TV  B. film  C. game()5. I think it’s________ to go on a trip by plane. A. good  B. bad  C. afraid第二部分 笔试(70分)五、选择合适的词(组)填空。(10分)1. I’m__________ (sit, sitting) beside Linda on the train. 2. Some________ (people, peoples) are playing in the park. 3. I want__________ (send, to send) a letter to Li Ming. 4. We watched TV________ (yesterday, now). 5. —______________ (How much, How many) are the postcards?—They are two yuan. 六、单项选择。(10分)()1. This is an email________ Li Ming. A. fromB. inC. with()2. You need a stamp________ your letter. A. to  B. for  C. at()3. —Please don’t walk on the grass. —________A. That’s all right.   B. I’m sorry.   C. Okay! You’re welcome. ()4. We write________ on paper. A. postcard  B. an email  C. a letter()5. Changchun is________ Hainan. I need to take a plane. A. near  B. far  C. far from()6. We ________ in the library yesterday afternoon. A. are  B. were  C. was()7. Tom sees some cows on the farm________. A. every day  B. yesterday  C. last week()8. The baby on the train is________ now. A. cry  B. crying  C. cries()9. —Did you have a nice trip? —Yes. I________ a nice trip. A. did  B. do  C. had()10. —________ is the house? —It’s about two hundred years old. A. How long  B. How many  C. How old七、给下列句子选择合适的答语。(10分)

()1. Would you like some water?
()2. Where is the bank?()3. What did you do yesterday?()4. What is the girl doing?()5. What do you like to do? 八、按要求, 完成句子。(10分)1. My mother often cleans the house. (用yesterday 改写句子)My mother ________ the house ________. 2. These old men are doing Tai Chi. (改成单数句)________ ________ ________ ________ doing Tai Chi. 3. Did you go to Shanghai last week? (作否定回答)_____________________________________________________4. I write a letter on paper. (用email 改写句子)I write________ ________ on ________ ________. 5. Does he like this T­shirt? (作否定回答, 说明原因是太大了)________. Because it is________ ________ for ________. 九、选择合适的单词, 补全下面的书信。(5分)Dear Lucy, I’m in Sichuan now. The weather is very   1   in summer. But I’m   2  fun here. The people here   3   very kind. The food is peppery(辣的), but very delicious. My favourite food is malatang. I am coming home   4   the U. K. on May 7. Yesterday I sent a   5   to you. It has a picture of food on it. See you soon!Yours, Peter()1. A. hot  B. cold  C. cool()2. A. have  B. has  C. having()3. A. was  B. are  C. is()4. A. to  B. of  C. on()5. A. email  B. letter  C. postcard十、阅读短文, 完成任务。(15分)Peter is a primary school pupil. He is ① a good boy. Uncle John lives ② next to him. Uncle John has ③ no child and can’t see anything. He works in a factory near Peter’s school. He goes to work at 7: 30 in the morning and comes home at 4: 30 in the afternoon. Peter goes to school at 8: 00 in the morning and comes home at the same time as Uncle John in the afternoon. On weekdays, Peter gets up early to take Uncle John to the factory. On Sundays, Peter helps ④ Uncle John clean the house and do some cooking. Uncle John thanks Peter for helping him a lot. He says  ⑤ , “Peter is a good boy. He is like my son. ”(一) 写出画线动词的过去式。(5分)1. ________2. ________3. ________4. ________5. ________(二) 根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。(10分)()1. What does Peter do?A. He is a worker.   B. He is a pupil.   C. He is a teacher. ()2. Uncle John comes home at ________ in the afternoon. A. 7: 30  B. 4: 30  C. 8: 00()3. Peter gets up early to ________ on weekdays. A. go to school  B. run  C. help Uncle John()4. Peter helps Uncle John clean the house________. A. from Monday to Sunday  B. on weekdays  C. on Sundays()5. Which of the following sentences is right?A. Peter helps Uncle John a lot.   B. Peter is Uncle John’s son. C. Peter is not a good boy. 十一、书面表达。根据提示, 写一篇短文。(10分)提示: 今天是周末, 我和姐姐在公园里玩。公园里人很多。一些孩子在唱歌; 一些老人在打太极; 一些男士在交谈。我和姐姐放风筝。我们玩得很开心。要求: 1. 用现在进行时; 2. 不少于5句话。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


 时间:60分钟 满分:100分 

听力部分 (30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)() 1. A. buying B. buyC. bought() 2. A. sad  B. afraid  C. happy() 3. A. us  B. we C. me() 4. A. send  B. write  C. get() 5. A. men  B. woman  C. women二、听录音,选择与你所听内容相符的图片。(5分)


() 1. How much is one stamp?A. Four yuan. B. Two yuan. () 2. How does Jenny feel?  A. She is tired. B. She is excited. () 3. When does Li Dan arrive in Beijing?  A. At 7:30. B. At 9:30. () 4. What happened to Linda?  A. She hurt her arm. B. She hurt her hand. () 5. What did Bruce do last night?  A. He watched a film. B. He watched TV. 四、听录音,写单词,补全短文 。(10分)It was Saturday 1. ____________. I didn't go to school. I 2. ____________ breakfast at 7:00. Then I 3. ____________ shopping with my mother. I saw 4. ____________ cars and buses on the street. We bought some fruit and vegetables. It was a 5. ____________ day. 笔试部分(70分)五、根据句意和图片提示写单词,补全句子。(10分)

1. We can send an email on a ____________. 2. Look at the____________ of my family. 3. Turn____________ at the traffic lights. 4. I feel ____________. I want to have some chicken. 5. He is ____________ for the bus at the bus stop. 六、单项选择。(10分)() 1. I'd like ________ apple,________ banana and ________ milk. A. an;a; someB. some; a; someC. an; a; a() 2. ________ a picture, please. A. Drawing  B. Draw  C. To draw() 3. There are some ________ in the park. A. man  B. woman  C. women() 4. Be quiet(安静的),please. The baby ________. A. sleeps  B. is sleeping  C. sleep() 5. Last summer, he________ the Great Wall. A. visited  B. visiting  C. visits() 6. I can't swim, because I am ________ of water. A. kind  B. fine  C. afraid() 7. —________ you________ a nice trip? —Yes. I had a great trip. A. Did; had  B. Do; have  C. Did; have() 8. —________ is it now? —It's 5 o'clock. A. How old  B. What time C. What() 9. There are ________ on the square. A. many people  B. much people  C. some peoples() 10. ________ is slow. It needs stamps. A. An email B. Postcards  C. A letter七、根据句意选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空。(5分)

1. The boys ____________ short last year. 2. Danny wants____________ an email to his friend. 3. Jenny often ____________  TV in the evening. 4. These ____________  are playing on the playground. 5. I ____________ to Mr. Wood yesterday. 八、连词成句。(10分)1. for, gifts, bought, we, you, Beijing, in( . )______________________________________________________________ 2. walked, I, yesterday, to, park, the( . )______________________________________________________________3. want, send, an, to, email, I, father, my, to( . )______________________________________________________________4. has, a, it, postcard, on, a, picture( . )______________________________________________________________5. the, she, singing, baby, to, is, songs( . )______________________________________________________________九、补全对话。(5分)Alice: Hello, Jerry. Jerry: Hello, Alice. Alice: Where did you go last summer holiday?Jerry: 1. ________Alice: 2. ________Jerry: We went there by plane. Alice: 3. ________Jerry: No. Because the weather was bad. It was rainy and windy. We stayed atthe hotel for five days. Alice: It's a pity. 4. ________Jerry:I will go to Sichuan. Alice: 5. ________Jerry: I will visit Jiuzhaigou Valley and eat delicious food.

十、综合阅读。(20分)(一)阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)Tom is a little boy. And he is only seven years old. One day he went to the cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He bought a ticket(票)and then went in. But after two or three minutes, he came out, bought a second ticket and went in again. After a few minutes he came out again and bought a third ticket. Two or three minutes later he came out and asked for another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asked him,“Why do you buy so many tickets?” “Because a big boy always stops me at the door and tears(撕) my tickets to pieces. ”() 1. Tom went to the________. A. schoolB. cinemaC. office() 2. Tom is________ years old. A. eight  B. nine  C. seven() 3. The big boy is a________ in the cinema. A. worker  B. friend  C. bad boy() 4. Tom bought________ ticket(s) before(在……之前)the girl asked him. A. one  B. two  C. three() 5. This is the________ time for Tom to go to the cinema. A. first  B. second  C. third(二)根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)A tiger sees a frog(青蛙) near the pond(池塘). He wants to eat the frog. Now the tiger's tail hurts. “Ouch!” he cries. “Who is biting(咬)my tail?” The frog jumps into the water at once. The tiger is very angry and turns around. He sees a tortoise(乌龟). “Oh, I will throw you into the sky!” says the tiger angrily. “Thank you. I like to fly in the sky,” says the tortoise. The tiger says, “I will throw you into the pond. ”“Oh, no! I can't swim,” says the tortoise. The tiger smiles(笑)and throws the tortoise into the pond. “Thank you, Mr. Tiger. Bye. ” The tortoise says and swims away with the frog happily. () 1. The tortoise is very smart(聪明的). () 2. The frog is biting the tiger's tail. () 3. The tiger eats the frog. () 4. The tortoise can't swim. () 5. The tiger is fooled(上当). 十一、写作训练。(10分)请以On the Street为题写一篇作文描述你在街上看到的景物以及人物的活动。提示: women;men;cars and buses要求:1. 书写正确,语言流畅; 2. 注意使用正确的时态; 3. 不少    于5句话。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


 时间:60分钟   满分:100分



 听力部分(30分)一、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词。(5分)(   ) 1. A. sitB. standC. sleep(   ) 2. A. tea    B. time  C. table(   ) 3. A. us    B. use  C. table(   ) 4. A. see    B. some  C. stop(   ) 5. A. people    B. photo  C. picture二、听录音, 给下列图片排序。(5分)                (   )             (   )            (   )        (   )        (   )三、听录音, 选择正确的答案。(10分)(   ) 1. I ________ to play basketball.A. want   B. wanted   C. wants(   ) 2. I see some ________ in the supermarket.A. men   B. women   C. people(   ) 3.________ is tired and thirsty.A. Everyone   B. He   C. They(   ) 4.Let's put the ________ on the right.A. name   B. address   C. date(   ) 5.They________ very happy yesterday.A. were    B. are   C. was四、听录音, 连线。(10分)1. KimA. is drawing a picture.2. Lynn  B. would like some dumplings.3. Lucy   C. feels tired.4. Lily   D. is reading a book.5. Nancy   E. watched a film yesterday. 笔试部分 (70分)五、判断每组单词画线部分读音是(√)否(×)相同。(5分)(   ) 1.(   )         (   ) 2.              (   ) 3.  (   ) 4.           (   ) 5.  六、根据图片及首字母提示完成句子。(10分)1.          2.      3.    4. 5.       6.   7.     8.  1. She is d________. 2. Look at this m________.3. The w________ is s________. 4. There is some c________.5. There are many p________ in the park.6. Would you like some t________?7. May I t________ your p________?8. That is w________. 七、圈出括号里恰当的词语, 完成句子。(5分)1. There( is are ) many children in the classroom.2. Would you like (some many ) water?3. May I play ( on  with ) the toy?4. Let( is us ) go to the shop.5. I ( walked walk ) to school yesterday.八、用be的正确形式填空。(5分)1. He________ happy yesterday.2. How________ you?3. I________ singing.4. Last year, they________ ten years old.5. The baby________ playing.九、单项选择。(10分)(   ) 1.Let's________ a kite.A. flyB. flyingC. to fly(   ) 2. There________ many men in the restaurant.A. are  B. is  C. was(   ) 3. Some people are________ pictures.A. taking  B. take  C. takes(   ) 4. There________ one child on the grass.A. are  B. is  C. am(   ) 5. —What________ your father________?—He is a doctor.A. do; do  B. does; do  C. does; does(   ) 6. —What did you do________?—I played basketball in the park.A. now  B. tomorrow  C. yesterday(   ) 7. —Where did you go last week?—I ________ to the cinema.A. go  B. went  C. goes(   ) 8. The dress is________ small for me.A. too  B. to  C. with(   ) 9. —This book is for you.—________. A. Thank you  B. Sorry  C. You are welcome(   ) 10. —Do you like this book?—Yes, ________. A. I do  B. I did  C.  I does十、判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(5分)(   ) 1. The boy is eating. (   ) 2. They are flying kites.  (   ) 3. We write an email on a computer.  (   ) 4.I washed the clothes yesterday.  (   ) 5.The men are singing.  十一、给下列句子选择合适的答语。(5分)(   ) 1. May I have some apples? (   ) 2. What is he doing now?(   ) 3. What do you want to buy?(   ) 4. Where is the library?(   ) 5. What did they do last week? 十二、连词成句。(5分)1. the  can  we  computer   use_________________________________________________________________?2. writing  she   a  is   letter__________________________________________________________________.3. some  I   like  candy   would__________________________________________________________________.4. Alice  hurt   does  arm   her_________________________________________________________________?5. computer   you  write  a  email  on  an   can__________________________________________________________________.十三、阅读理解。(10分)Today is Sunday. It's sunny and warm. It's 9:00 in the morning. Everyone in my family is busy now. Look! My father is working on the computer. My mother is washing the clothes. My sister is drawing a picture. I'm doing my homework. This is a busy morning.(   ) 1. What day is today?A. Monday.B. Saturday.C. Sunday.(   ) 2. What is my mother doing?A. She is watching TV.  B. She is washing the clothes.C. She is working on the computer.(   ) 3. Is my sister playing with her toys?A. Yes, she is.  B. No, she isn't.  C. Yes. I am.(   ) 4. How's the weather?A. Sunny and warm.  B. Rainy.  C. Windy and cold.(   ) 5. Are they busy?A. No, they aren't.  B. Yes, they do.  C. Yes, they are.十四、写作。(10分)请写一篇作文介绍一下你自己, 包括姓名, 年龄, 爱好等等。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________










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